Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: “Long Have I Waited” For A Good One

SPOILERS Star Wars: Episode IX-The Rise of Skywalker (J.J. Abrams): *** ½ The Rise of Skywalker is the first Disney Star Wars to live up to the franchise’s name.  Rushed and convoluted, the picture feels the burden of being the eleventh work in the saga.  Still, it resolves story and character conflicts that have beenContinue reading “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: “Long Have I Waited” For A Good One”

Twitter Thoughts: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Spoilers Normally, when I write a post, it’s a review.  Today, I am doing something different.  I began this by composing Tweets about A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.  I thought this was the best way to express myself because it allowed me to focus on the picture’s core instead of the whole movie.  TheContinue reading “Twitter Thoughts: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”

The Irishman: A Fun, Riveting, Brutal Masterpiece

Spoilers The Irishman (Martin Scorsese): **** Martin Scorsese’s anticipated Netflix release The Irishman starts in a nursing home.  A sweeping camera brings the audience through the facility, past the staff and occupants, and towards a man in a wheelchair.  This introduction recalls the famous Goodfellas sequence, in which Scorsese’s camera followed Henry and Karen throughContinue reading “The Irishman: A Fun, Riveting, Brutal Masterpiece”